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  REGISTRATION FEES (Prices in US Dollar)








Virtual participant



 Early Bird Registration: expired!

 until 29th of April 2022 (included **)



USD 250


USD 250


 Standard Registration: expired!

  From 30th of April to

 27th of May 2022 (included**) 





USD 300



USD 300


 Late Registration:

 From 28th of May 2022

 to the conference days





USD 350



USD 350


Deserving students from developing countries may apply for sponsorship/(partial) waiver for registration fees. There is a possibility to get one. For asking discount, kindly send an email to conference secretary (email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) with a copy of your student ID for this academic year (in Jpeg., PDF etc. form)


Additional paper: +100 USD for second paper if the author "presenting" (orally or virtually) more than one paper at the conference. Note: One author registration can cover maximum of 2 papers.

** Deadlines time: By midnight Istanbul Local Time - 23:59 GMT+03


is closed now

(When you click the registration button above you will be directed to our main website: ocerints.org)


What is included in the registration fee?

In-Person Participants: Oral and Poster Authors or Audiences

  • Publication in the conference Proceedings
  • Inclusion of the accepted papers in the e-proceedings book with an ISBN number.
  • Their papers (depending upon their author’s wish) are sent to be reviewed for publishing in our peer reviewed online International journal with an ISSN number (and a DOI number for each paper).
  • Admission to all oral sessions (5-6 parallel sessions with audiovisual equipment, computers, projectors, screens, microphones, wifi connection, etc.)
  • Admission to poster sessions.
  • Wifi connection at the venue.
  • A printed Conference Programme.
  • SOCIOINT 2022 Abstracts & Proceedings (with ISBN)
  • Conference bag.
  • 4 Snacks/Coffee breaks (daily: morning and afternoon)
  • 2 Conference lunch buffet (Monday and Tuesday)
  • Attendance at the social/tourist activities (Wednesday): Istanbul Boat Sightseeing Tour (Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise) with official English-speaking tourist guides (including some snacks and soft drinks).
  • Attendance and/or Author certificates.
  • Special rates for accommodation at the venue hotel.
  • An official payment receipt of the registration fee will be provided along with the conference material.


Virtual participants:

  • Inclusion of virtual presentation in the conference virtual section via ZOOM.
  • Inclusion of the accepted papers in the Abstracts & Proceedings e-publication with an ISBN number.
  • Uploading the conference e-proceedings on OCERINTS' DIGITAL LIBRARY (where you can access your paper among other conference papers from any where and any time without any restrictions)
  • Their papers (depending upon their author’s wish) are sent to be reviewed for publishing in our peer reviewed online International journal with an ISSN number (and a DOI number for each paper).
  • Participation and author certificate.
  • An official payment receipt of the registration fee (optional).
  • Delivery of the participation and author certificate by e-mail after the conference.

Registration Notes:

One author registration can cover a maximum of 2 papers. (* +100 USD for second paper if the author presenting virtually more than one paper at the conference)

  • Contributions will only be published online in the SOCIOINT 2022 Abstracts & Proceedings if at least one of the authors of each accepted abstract is registered and pay the registration fee.
  • It is compulsory to be registered to gain access to the conference area (as an author or as a general public audience)
  • In case, if non-presenting co-author/s want to attend the conference in-person, they should register and pay the registration fee.
  • Non-attending co-authors pay no fee.
  • It is not possible to pay the registration fee after the conference.
  • Conference sessions and other conference events are open only to registered participants.

Types of  Fee Payment:

IMPORTANT: Payment pages and types will be displayed to you after filling in and submitting the registration form on the registration page!

You can pay the registration fee any of these two methods:


Credit Card Online Payment:



This is our secure on-line payment system which will check authorization and charge your credit card directly.

-To pay your fee by credit card payment system, firstly, you have to register online (click the registration link above). After you submit the online registration form, the payment pages will be displayed you, where you can find the credit card online payment page.



The payer, who will use here a credit card of a Turkish Bank, should pay the fee in TL (Turkish Liras) currency.  Please use the currency exchange ratio on our "online credit card payment page"  for converting your fee from USD to TL. (That page will be displayed to you after you submit the online registration form)


 International Money Transfer by Bank (wired transfer):

  - You can also pay your fee by Bank Money Transfer: wired transfer from your bank account to our local bank account.


 - To make this transfer, firstly, you have to register online (click the registration link above). After you submit the online registration form, the payment pages, including bank payment page, will be displayed you online where you can find "our bank account details" as a word doc. form which are necessary for your bank transfer.



 Refund and Cancelation:

Refund and cancellation requests must be received in writing before 1st of June 2022 (included). There is a 100 USD service charge for refunds on registrations. No refund will be given for cancellations received after 1st of June 2022.


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