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SOCIOINT 2020 Istanbul conference has changed fully to a "Virtual/ online conference" for this year, because of the Corrona-Virus outbreak.

For the last 6 years, SOCIOINT conferences have been held both as in-person and virtual events. This year, in spite of the fact that the risk of community spread of COVID-19 remains low in Turkey, we are really concerned about your health, and your safety is our priority. In response to possible travel and meeting difficulties eventually posed by the COVID-19, we exceptionally decide to carry out the SOCIOINT conference in a "fully virtual (online) format".

About this change:

1.) This change would not affect the authors/ participants who already registered under "virtual participation".

2.) Those participants "who haven't paid the registration fee yet" and already submitted their abstracts as oral or poster presentation (in-person participation) and who received acceptance letters are transformed automatically from in-person to virtual participation type.

If you are one of those participants and haven't paid your fee yet and want to participate for the conference virtually, then, after paying your virtual fee, you will be able to publish your paper in the conference proceedings, and get the other virtual benefits according to the virtual options offered by the conference.

(What are the benefits of attending the conference virtually? What is included in the virtual registration fee? See here

-What are the requirements for participating for the conference virtually? See here)

3.) If you are a in-person participant (oral/poster presenter) who already paid the in-person registration fee, you have two options and rights:

a.) You can cancel totally your participation for the conference: In this case we will refund your full registration fee immediately to you without any cut.

b.) Or, you can transfer your participation and registration type from in-person to virtual. In this case we will refund you the balance/ the difference between in-person and virtual registration fees.

Kindly inform us your choice by emailing us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In any case, according to Socioint 2020 refund policy, participants should ask for cancellation and/or refund before June 1st.


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