Olga Kuznetsova

Associate professor, (Ms.) RUDN University, RUSSIA,


The negative impact of corruption on economic growth and development is recognised by all. Corruption leads to devastating social and economic consequences, such as rising poverty; it also undermines morality and law-abiding models. The level to which corruption penetrates the very fabric of social relations, individual morality and mentality are striking. At the same time, corruption is directly related to the peculiarities of the historical development of individual countries and the mentality of their citizens. In many countries, corruption is practically legalised and has become a routine thing.

A unique combination of traditions, morals, religion and specific historical models of a country's development forms diverse corruption models that characterise individual countries. Various studies show that such models can be grouped into groups such as the Latin American model, the African model, the South European model, the socialist model. The fight against corruption requires an analysis of all these models and the search for special tools for them. Many researchers suggest that Russian corruption to a certain extent unites all these models. In this article, the authors seek to establish which corruption models influence the current corruption behaviour of the Russian criminals, to what extent and why. The authors also make recommendations on scientific approaches to the study of various models of corruption in Russia based on international experience.

The purpose of this study will be achieved by performing the following tasks:
- To study the evolution of various corruption models and socio-moral factors contributing to it;
- To study the international experience in the analysis of corruption models and the methodology for studying them;
- To apply the results of international studies to existing corruption models in Russia and find out which models and to what extent influence the corrupt behaviour of the Russian citizens;
- To develop recommendations for combating corruption in Russia by eliminating certain conditions of its existence.

The methodological basis of the study consists of such general scientific methods as dialectic and systemic research methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, and others, and such specific scientific methods such as historical and legal research, comparative legal research, formal law, structural-functional and statistical methods. The study is based on the results of research conducted by Russian and foreign lawyers and sociologists, as well as economists and political scientists of the relevant research topic.

The results of the study can be used to determine the optimal goals and objectives of targeting corrupt behaviour in the Russian society, law enforcement and scientific activities, as well as for educational purposes, in particular for lectures and seminars on Russian criminal law and criminology and criminal law and criminology in foreign countries.

Keywords: criminal law, criminology, corruption models, corruption criminals, social environment, traditions, morality, law.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 24-26 June 2019- İstanbul, TURKEY

ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1