Language POLICY TO Ensure Minor Refugees and migrants’ Rights for Education: A Case of Russia

Anastasia Atabekova

Full Prof., Dr. Sc., Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia- RUDN University,


The paper explores promising and disappointing practices in the Russian Federation regarding the language rights implementation in case of forced minor migrants. The paper looks at the institutions that engage in minor refugees’ language rights provision and identify concrete examples regarding the above mentioned institutions activities. Special emphasis is laid on the implementation of the rule for mandatory primary and secondary education that covers all minors despite their status. Particular attention is paid to concrete examples of support for minor refugees’ in terms of their Russian Language acquisition.

Concrete cases and analytics are highlighted in the official open access data. The links to the sources are provided, as well.

The research methodology used case study techniques. The case study findings have led to conclusions on the most obvious stumbling blocks that include local bureaucracy, school administration over cautiousness, lack of maturity and willingness from minor refugees’ parents, financial constrains related to fiscal year planning.

The case analysis laid grounds for drafting recommendations on further possible steps to improve the situation with minor refugees’ language rights provision for their integration in Russian education system. The relevant measures require professionalization of work with refugees, federal and local coordination, focus on stakeholders’ awareness raising, education, and training, focus on law implementation, enhancing the role of the Public and of NGOs, careful balance of national and individual interests.

This paper elaborates further on the general information provided by the author in her panel report within Language and Rights working group of the European Language Council at the CEL/ELC Annual General Assembly and Conference, held in Brussels on 30th November - 1st December 2017 (Atabekova 2017). The author hereby reports no conflict of interest as the present materials have never been published or become subject of copyright law.

The publication has been prepared with the support of The RUDN University 5-100 project.

Keywords: language policy, education policy, language rights, minor migrants, refugee minors


No conflict of interest statement:

This paper elaborates further on the general information provided by the author in her panel report within Language and Rights working group of the European Language Council at the CEL/ELC Annual General Assembly and Conference, held in Brussels on 30th November - 1st December 2017 (Atabekova 2017). The author hereby reports no conflict of interest as the present materials have never been published or become subject of copyright law.


CITATION: Abstracts & Proceedings of ADVED 2018 - 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey

ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7